
Automotive Recyclers Association (ARA)

Key Projects:

  • Digital and Marketing Audit
Automotive Recyclers Association (ARA)

Project Spotlight: Digital and Marketing Audit

The Automotive Recyclers Association is an international group of automotive salvage yards and recycling professionals. Their mission is to promote and protect the automotive recycling industry while supporting and growing their membership.

To help guide a new marketing strategy, ARA needed a better understanding of their current and past efforts across all marketing, digital, and social channels. To accomplish this, Creative Resources Group performed a comprehensive audit.

In only a six-week timeframe, CRG reviewed and analyzed all of ARA’s assets, including nine different websites, four social media platforms, two printed publications, and many, many digital videos and e-newsletters. ARA’s events and annual convention were also included, along with an in-depth membership analysis that identified geographical areas of opportunity for future growth. CRG left no stone unturned.

The resulting audit report was an all-inclusive document including over 50 pages of data and specific recommendations for each platform or channel. With the sheer amount of information, CRG also created a live presentation for ARA’s management team. In this extended half-day session, CRG reviewed and discussed key findings while answering any questions.

CRG’s professional expertise and attention to detail exceeded ARA’s expectations. The Digital and Marketing Audit not only provided the information they were looking for, but uncovered critical new details that would help ARA move forward with a stronger overall marketing and business strategy.

Copeland Automotive Group